A little about the PCI

PCI Public Class Info

Hello and welcome to "PCI Public Class Info" your Programmer info site.
With us you'll find a bit of everything, and you can share it with your friends... For e.g.: measuring your BMI (BMI Body Mass Index); checking your temperature converter from Celsius to Fahrenheit or vice versa; you can also consult the true speed of the internet you contracted, being able to clear your doubts.
In addition, you have a website to do your shopping and learn more about programming and share your experience.

About us

We are a group formed by extremely human people who always seek the happiness of our customers! Because we have an important sentence that we carry, and it says:

And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that him curseth thee, and in thee shall all the families of the earth be bless.
Genesis 12:3

In addition, we are a company that likes technology and innovation, so we have a team of collaborators that aims to improve with each new release, be it Smart Phones, Tablet or even new programming books.
However, we hope you feel safe buying or letting us know!

Thank you for visiting us!